root cause

Advanced PDF Reporting for Enhanced Data Analysis

Elevate your data analysis with comprehensive PDF Reporting, offering insightful, customizable, and automated reports for effective IT management.

Built-In and Standard Reports

ServicePilot’s PDF Reporting feature comes equipped with a wide range of built-in and standard report templates, designed to meet various IT reporting needs. These templates offer immediate insights with minimal setup, covering everything from network performance to system analytics.

Users can quickly generate detailed reports, complete with essential metrics, to understand their IT environment better.

  • Effortless Report Generation: Select from pre-existing templates for immediate reporting
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Get detailed insights into a broad spectrum of IT aspects
Built-In and <span class='blue'>Standard Reports</span>

Custom Reports and Easy Sharing

Create custom reports tailored to your specific requirements using the same intuitive widget library that powers ServicePilot dashboards. This seamless integration allows the creation of highly personalized reports.

Once generated, these reports can be easily shared among team members or stakeholders, fostering better collaboration and decision-making.

  • Intuitive Customization: Use the existing dashboard widgets for personalized report creation
  • Seamless Distribution: Effortlessly share reports with teams and decision-makers
<span class='blue'>Custom Reports</span> and Easy Sharing

Reports On-Demand and On-the-Fly

ServicePilot’s dynamic reporting system enables you to generate reports on-the-fly and on-demand, ensuring you always have the latest data at your fingertips.

Whether it is for a spontaneous meeting or a scheduled analysis, you can create and access up-to-date reports quickly, helping you make informed decisions based on the most recent data.

  • Instant Accessibility: Generate current reports whenever needed
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage the latest data for timely and informed decision-making
<span class='blue'>Reports On-Demand</span> and On-the-Fly

Automated PDF Reports for improved IT Management

Automate your reporting process with ServicePilot’s scheduled PDF reports. For instance, set up morning checks to be delivered automatically to your IT team, recapping the previous day’s incidents and statistics.

This feature ensures your team stays informed about the system's health and performance trends without manual intervention.

  • Scheduled Automation: Set reports to be automatically generated and delivered
  • Proactive Management: Keep the IT team informed and ahead of potential issues
<span class='blue'>Automated PDF Reports</span> for improved IT Management
Learn more

Free installation in
a few clicks

SaaS Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • No on-premise software setup, servicing and configuration complexity
  • Instant setup, complete and pre-configured to ensure robust monitoring

OnPremise Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • Contracts and commitments over time ( > 1 year)
  • Performance, Data Storage and Infrastructure Management
  • 2 additional solutions: VoIP and Mainframe monitoring