Discover the zero configuration mode

Getting Started

To start your monitoring project, you will need access to a ServicePilot server. There are two ways of deploying ServicePilot:

  • Software as a Service: Cloud-based ServicePilot Web interface managed by ServicePilot Technologies that customers will connect to via the Internet. Only an agent needs to be installed to start monitoring.
  • On Premise: Customers install the ServicePilot software on premise. Customers manage their own deployment and data.

ServicePilot SaaS

ServicePilot Agent On Premise

To use the ServicePilot SaaS platform, 3 steps are essential to get started:

  1. Create a ServicePilot account - to log in to the ServicePilot web pages
  2. Install a ServicePilot Agent - to collect data (downloadable from the ServicePilot web interface)
  3. Start monitoring equipment - by adding provisioning rules and resources to monitor your environment

ServicePilot OnPremise

ServicePilot Agent for SaaS ServicePilot

ServicePilot On Premise only requires a few steps to get started:

  1. Obtain the ServicePilot installer - by contacting ServicePilot Technologies to get the software
  2. Install ServicePilot - by following the installation guide
  3. Obtain a ServicePilot license - by contacting ServicePilot Technologies to get a trial license
  4. Start monitoring equipment - by adding provisioning rules and resources to monitor your environment

Set up a ServicePilot account

Before being able to access ServicePilot web pages, a customer account will be required. Go to the ServicePilot SaaS Login page and use the Sign up link to create an account.

Once you have your login Username and Password you can use these to open your ServicePilot web pages.

To manage your account and create other users and groups, see the Users documentation.

Install a ServicePilot Agent

There are a number of different ServicePilot Agents. Choose the ServicePilot agent you require, download and install the agent from the ServicePilot web pages.

1. Using a user with administrative privileges, log in to ServicePilot
2. Click on Agents > Install an agent
3. Select the Agent to install and follow the instructions under Get started

ServicePilot Agents are explained in more detail in the Agents documentation.

Start monitoring equipment

A ServicePilot Agent may be able to collect data but ServicePilot still needs to be told what each Agent should do. There are two main ways in which equipment may be added to the configuration:

  • Rules to provision resources automatically when equipment is discovered
  • Adding resource configuration manually

The provisioning required will depend on the type of resource monitored. See package documentation for details when adding a resource manually.

ServicePilot provisioning is explained in more detail in the Provisioning documentation.

Add an Auto-provisioning rule

It is also possible to automatically monitor resources when new agents are deployed. Set up auto-provisioning rules to tell ServicePilot what package to use when adding a new agent and where to place the resource in the monitoring hierarchy.

1. Using a user with administrative privileges, log in to ServicePilot
2. Open SETTINGS > Configuration
3. Click on Provisioning > Auto-provisioning
4. Click on Add a rule
5. Complete the Automatic provisioning rule dialog. Specify at least a Rule name and set the Discovery type based on the Agent installed.
6. Click OK
7. Finally, click Save

See Auto-provisioning for more details.

Add a manual resource

To monitor a device, pick one of the pre-configured packages and add it to the configuration by answering a few questions. These normally include the device IP address, which ServicePilot Agent to use to query this device and what sort of supervision is required.

1. Using a user with administrative privileges, log in to ServicePilot
2. Open SETTINGS > Provisioning
3. Select the type of monitoring package needed by category and use the filter to limit the options displayed
4. Drag a package into the central view editor and let go
5. Set the resource properties based on the package type selected. A unique resource name is always required as well as all fields highlighted with a *.
6. To view package documentation, click on the Documentation tab
7. Click OK
8. Finally, click Save all changes

Note: many packages use SNMP queries to obtain information. You may need to specify an SNMP policy with the correct credentials to monitor the device. See the Policies documentation for details.

See Add a manual resource for more details.

View data collected

Once equipment or resources are monitored, data is collected and can be viewed in different ways.


Monitor menu

Real-time data and the current resource status can be viewed in different ways.

Menu item Data display
View The View sub-menu shows data as a hierarchy of views that contain further views and objects and graphical elements. The objects contain indicators which store the data obtained.
Topology The Topology sub-menu shows relationships between hardware, networks and web applications when collecting data from different sources
Hosts The Hosts sub-menu allows you to view the status of the Hosts
Resources The Resources sub-menu provides lists of resources, objects, views and classes by status

Sub-Menu - Views / Topology

Menu item Data display
Topology The Topology sub-menu shows relationships between hardware, networks and web applications when collecting data from different sources. Fullstack view
Map The Map submenu displays the different elements distributed on the map according to their coordinates. Map view
Treemap The Treemap sub-menu shows an area map hierarchy of views Treemap view
Tree The Tree sub-menu shows a tree of views. Tree view
Matrix The Matrix sub-menu shows tables of hosts or resources set against views or the collection types the resources perform. Matrix view
Uptime The Uptime sub-menu shows Availability & Performance of views and objects as a table over time. Uptime view
Service The Service sub-menu shows a table of Availability & Performance statistics and alarm counts for all views. List view

Sub-Menu - Hosts / Resources

Menu item Data display
Hosts The Hosts sub-menu displays all IP as a hexagonal map. Hosts view
Resources The Resources sub-menu displays all your resources and their status. Resources view
Object The Object sub-menu displays all the objects and their status. Object view
Object ML The Object ML sub-menu displays all the objects with anomalies. Object ML view
Class The Class sub-menu displays all the classes and their status. Classe view
View The View sub-menu displays all the views in a table form with their status. Vue view


Monitor menu

For event data received by ServicePilot that is not associated with objects and the composition of data from multiple sources into dashboards, see the menu items under Analysis. ServicePilot provides multiple dashboards that are composed of widgets, each of which querying the ServicePilot database and presenting data in a particular form.

Dashboards may be added to a list of favorites for quicker access.

Custom dashboards can be created built from existing widgets or from completely new queries into the ServicePilot database.

See the Dashboards documentation for more details.

Menu item Data display
Dashboards View favorite dashboards, custom dashboards, global dashboards and manage the favorite dashboard list
Metrics View the per package summary dashboards and the per resource detail dashboards as well as alerts, avaibility and performances of different recources by package. You can also analyze the trend of your indicators by resource.
Logs View alerts as well as received Syslogs and SNMP Traps
Traces View Application and Network Performance Monitoring statistic dashboards

Sub-Menu - Dashboards

Menu item Data display
Portal The Portal sub-menu displays a global view of all the dashboards: Favorites, your dashboards, Account dashboards, Global dashboards. Portal view
Favorites The Favorites sub-menu displays the bookmarked dashboards. Favorites view
ML The ML sub-menu displays the anomalies present on each object. ML view
Service The Service sub-menu displays a global view of the performance, the availability as well as the alerts. You can also find: real-time service, top alerts and SLA. Service view
Packages The Packages sub-menu displays all the deployed packages as well as the number of deployed packages. Packages view
Class The Class sub-menu displays the classes used as well as the number of deployed objects Class view
Top Object The Top Object sub-menu displays the top objects on one indicator. Top object view
Uptime The Uptime sub-menu displays for each minute and each class its status. Uptime view
TV The TV sub-menu displays a dashboard example without any menu for a TV display. TV view

Sub-Menu - Metrics

Menu item Data display
Summary The Summary lists all the packages by category and presents automatic and custom dashboards of each package. Resume view
Anomalies The Anomalies sub-menu displays all the abnormal peaks of all indicators. Anomalies view
Service The Service sub-menu displays for each technology family, package and resources, some service widgets corresponding to the specified catefories. Metrics view
Capacity The Capacity sub-menu displays an estimate of the indicator evolution over time. Capacity view

Sub-Menu - Logs

Menu item Data display
Object Events The Object Events sub-menu displays all the status changes of each object. Object event view
Object ML The Object ML displays all the abnormal status changes of each object. Object ML view
Object Log The Object Log allows analyzing the object logs in a filterable dashboard. Object Logs view
Syslogs The Syslogs sub-menu allows analyzing syslogs in a filterable dashboard. Syslogs view
Traps The Traps sub-menu allows analyzing SNMP traps in a filterable dashboard. Trap view
Live Syslogs The Live Syslogs sub-menu displays in real-time syslogs in an event tray. Syslogs live view
Live Traps The Live Traps sub-menu displays in real-time the SNMP traps in an event tray. Trap live view

Sub-Menu - Traces

Menu item Data display
APP Trace The APP Trace sub-menu allows analyzing the APM traces in a filterable dashboard. APP Trace view
NET Trace The NET Trace sub-menu allows analyzing network traces in a filerable dashboard. NET Trace view
APP Map The APP Map sub-menu displays APM traces as a map. APP Map view
NET Map The NET Map sub-menu displays network traces as a map. NET Map view
APPTrace Live The APPTrace Live sub-menu displays in real-time application traces. APP trace live view
NETTrace Live The NETTrace Live sub-menu displays in real-time network traces. NET trace live view
VoIP The VoIP sub-menu allows analyzing VoIP Calls in a filterable dashboard. Tree view


Tools menu

The Tools menu groups together items that are used on occasion, either to define a new database search or diagnose in detail why a device is unreachable or view historical PDF reports.

See the Search documentation for details on custom searches.

Menu item Data display
Widget Perform custom ServicePilot database searches and save them for later inclusion in dashboards and PDF reports.
Inventory Display the different servers, endpoints and IPAM (IP address management).
Diagnostics Check connectivity between ServicePilot Agents and devices as well ServicePilot Agent host inventory.
PDF reports The PDF reports view allows for the generation of PDF reports based on templates built-in or generated by ServicePilot administrators. Scheduled reports might also be retrieved.

Sub-Menu - Widget

Menu item Data display
Widget The Widget sub-menu allows building custom widgets. Widget view
Query The Query sub-menu allows building and making custom SQL requests. Query view
Database The Database sub-menu presents a graphical interface allowing the management of the database and interect with the ServicePilot data. Database view

Sub-Menu - Inventory

Menu item Data display
Servers The Servers sub-menu displays an inventory of the monitored servers. Servers view
Endpoints The Endpoints sub-menu displays an inventory of the servers on which an Endpoint agent has been installed. Endpoint view
IPAM The IPAM sub-menu displays an inventory of the IP available in a sub-network with more information: open ports, hostname, constructor, ... IPAM view

Sub-Menu - Diagnostics

Menu item Data display
Diagnostics The Diagnostics sub-menu allows diagnosing if your equipement communicates correctly. Diagnostics view
Operations The Operations sub-menu allows identifying all the object in a particular status: Acknowledgement, Managed, Unmanaged, etc. Operations view


Settings menu

As an administrative user of ServicePilot, configuration may be changed under the Settings menu items. Start with Users, Agents, Provisioning and Policies documentation for more details.

Menu item Data display
Configuration Landing page for ServicePilot Administration and settings Settings menu setup
Agents Shortcut access to the status and management of ServicePilot Agents Agents view
View editor Quickly add a new resource to monitor Add Resource dialog
Documentation Link to this external documentation Documentation


What is a Package?

A deployment entity which contains definitions (classes, view, objects, dashboard, PDF reports)

A package is a collection of pre-configured elements that can be imported into a ServicePilot configuration. A number of parameters are applied to the package when importing it into the configuration to monitor equipment as desired. These parameters are package dependent but a graphical wizard presents the information requested.

ServicePilot provides a host of build-in packages to monitor different equipment types. If a package does not exist for a particular device, it is often possible to monitor this device using a collection of built-in packages to monitor different parts of the device's operation.

Example: A server-microsoft-windows-snmp package defines components of a Windows Server to monitor (Disk, CPU, Memory, Ethernet, etc) and how to discover and monitor each of these using SNMP.

What is a Resource?

Use of package

A resource is one use of a package in the running configuration. The package definition plus the unique parameters applied in the package wizard result in a unique resource that helps build up the elements monitored by ServicePilot.

Example: A server-microsoft-windows-snmp package is added to the ServicePilot configuration and becomes a resource to be monitored by the provisioning of this package with specific package parameters such as SNMP access credentials.

What are Views?

Hierarchical containers to organize resources by location or business function

Objects containing statistics are added to ServicePilot by placing them in a logical hierarchy of elements called views. Each uniquely named view may contain other views or objects as well as other graphical elements. The nested views allow different hierarchies to be built up by ServicePilot administrators, possibly to present equipment by geographic location or service grouping.

The worst status of the monitored equipment percolates up from the indicators to their container objects and then on to the view in which the object is placed, all the way up the hierarchy to the root MAIN view.

Example: An Office A view might be created as a container in which to place all servers, network switches and applications that are based at this particular location.

What are Objects?

A collection of statistics

Objects are uniquely named collections of indicators, each indicator being a captured or calculated statistic. Each object will collect data from a single source. Based on the availability of source data, object availability over time is calculated. If any indicators exceed defined thresholds then the object will also take on the state of the worst performing indicator. Objects may therefore be in the following states:

State Description
+ - OK Object source data is available and all of the object's indicators are nominal or unknown
1 - Minor At least one of the object's indicators has passed a minor threshold but none of the indicators are currently major or critical
2 - Major At least one of the object's indicators has passed a major threshold but none of the indicators are currently critical
3 - Critical At least one of the object's indicators has passed a critical threshold or the object is in a critical service anomaly state.
- - Unavailable The object source data is unreachable or the object is in a unavailable service anomaly state.
? - Unknown The object's state has not been determined either because it has yet to collect data or it has specifically been told to ignore data by placing the object in an unmanaged state. An unknown state can also be the result of all indicator thresholds being set to unknown.

Example: An object named Server - eth0 collects data from a single Ethernet interface.

What are Classes?

Object technical properties (definition of the collection, indicators, thresholds, …)

Classes regroup a series of properties forming the basis of a family of like objects. Each object is based on only one class definition, however multiple objects can be based on the same class. Classes define what indicators an object will have, the type of data expected for each indicator and how this data is calculated before being stored. Classes can also contain scripts to discover elements to be monitored and indicator statistics calculated from captured data. Finally, classes also specify the default indicator thresholds and capture frequency for objects.

Example: An 'Interface' class defines what objects based on this class will collect and their status thresholds. Each object based on this class will behave in the same way apart from collecting the information from a different source.

What is an Indicator?

A single statistic

Each indicator in an object presents a single statistic over time.
Indicators are either collected from monitored equipment or calculated:

Indicator type Source
Monitor The indicator data is obtained by querying the monitored device
Complex The indicator data is calculated based on the values of the monitored indicator data received
Information An SNMP indicator or table that can be retrieved on demand
Control An SNMP indicator used to check that values retrieved for the object still correspond to the same monitored element

Example: An object named Server - eth0 includes indicators 'Status' and 'In Traffic'. Indicators like the 'In Load' percentage are then calculated.

What is a Threshold?

A threshold is a condition giving a status to an indicator

Each indicator can have up to 3 fixed thresholds, 1 dynamic threshold and 2 Machine Learning thresholds that will change the status of the indicator, the object and its view hierarchy.

Thresholds type Details
Fixed thresholds These are three sucessive operators, three corresponding states and three fixed values that are tested against the indicator value. If no value matches, the state of the Else field is applied to the indicator.
ML spike threshold If the indicator value deviates abruptly from its expected value, a ML spike threshold exception will be raised. ML spike is calculated only if a critical or unavailable fixed threshold is present on the indicator and a regression line could be determined.
ML cluster threshold If the indicator value deviates from its expected value a number of times within a short time period, a ML cluster threshold will be raised. ML cluster is calculated only if a critical or unavailable fixed thresholds is present on the indicator and a regression line could be determined.
Dynamic threshold Based on a script, determines whether or not it is necessary to activate the indicator thresholds.

What are Events?

Unsolicited data receipt

ServicePilot may be sent SNMP Traps, Notifications, Syslogs or other custom log data. On receipt of events, additional meta-data can be added before storage in data collections by event type. This resource can then be queried and filtered as well as performing statistical analysis to produce graphs, lists and alerts.

Example: An SNMP Trap is received by ServicePilot. It is decoded and tagged with a 'Severity' label and stored in the Trap database collection.

What are Policies?

Common configuration applied to resources. Specified in resources or views.

See the Policies documentation for details.

Further information

The ServicePilot web interface contains texts and descriptions to help use the tool.

To view explanations, go to the built-in help pages:

1. Open the Help pop-up Help icon
2. Select one of the tabs Concept tabs

Built-in help

In many places a question mark icon provides further information, either as a tooltip or as more detailed web pages. Question