Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry

Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry

End-to-end large-scale application transaction analysis

Instrumentation and Application Tracing

Traces of Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, or C++ applications are essential in order to have full visibility on performance and service to users. The visualization of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as error rates, latencies on response times, details of SQL or Web queries, or the in-depth analysis of end-to-end transactions, allows to detect upstream errors and potential sources of incidents. This aims to reduce the impact of the causes of application service performance degradation and improve the digital experience for users.

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Monitoring and tracing of your distributed applications

Today's modern Internet services are often implemented through complex architectures and huge distributed systems. This type of application is often the result of a coordination between several development teams, perhaps with several programming languages, on tens or hundreds of machines, on different sites, hence the need to have a tool allowing global application monitoring, system and infrastructure correlation, and a detailed view of the code related problems and queries thanks to the instrumentation of application traces.

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Distributed Applications Tracing

Web HTTP transactions Analysis

More than 80% of applications must be accessible via the Web and quality of service must be optimal from anywhere. Companies are daily confronted with this situation and the real-time monitoring of the performance of Web applications makes it possible to react quickly and to prevent a critical situation from deteriorating and leading to a loss of activity.

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Web HTTP transactions

Collecting and analyzing transactions and application traces allows you to make the right decisions to improve the user experience.


But WHO are the users who have encountered 404 errors? What are the most visited URLs on my web application?

Monitoring Java applications in real time

Collect directly the transactions of your Java web applications. The analysis of the collected traces provides you with visibility on user behavior and application performance.

Monitoring.NET applications and dependencies

Analyze.NET application transactions to classify application components by error or response time and help you understand how your application is used.

Identification of critical transactions

Identify at a glance the web page loading time indicators, errors and slow transactions for all your HTTP Web applications to fully understand service degradations.

The power of an end-to-end monitoring solution

Add the monitoring of servers and networks with applications to get the end-to-end vision you need to understand the service delivered to users and to locate incidents.

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Free installation in
a few clicks

SaaS Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • No on-premise software setup, servicing and configuration complexity
  • Instant setup, complete and pre-configured to ensure robust monitoring

OnPremise Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • Contracts and commitments over time ( > 1 year)
  • Performance, Data Storage and Infrastructure Management
  • 2 additional solutions: VoIP and Mainframe monitoring