Inventory & Workstation Performance Management

Comprehensive Windows workplace Monitoring

Accelerate workplace transformation with detailed Windows desktop analytics and promote operational excellence fixing end-user experience issues

Unmatched visibility into Your Workstations

ServicePilot's Windows Agent is your go-to solution for thorough inventory management of Windows workstations. It delivers a comprehensive overview of all essential components, including hardware specifications, installed software, active applications and detailed network information.

This feature enables IT administrators to gain valuable insights into the infrastructure, assisting in effective asset management. It ensures that all system components are up-to-date and functioning optimally.

  • Effortless Setup: Configured in less than 2 minutes, quick start-up
  • Immediate Value: Real-time analytics with visual presentations of problems
Unmatched <span class='blue'>visibility</span> into Your Workstations

Performance insights to fix system issues

Dive deep into your system's health with ServicePilot's advanced system monitoring capabilities. Our Windows Agent provides real-time analytics on critical performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, and disk utilization.

This data is crucial for maintaining optimal system performance, allowing for proactive measures to prevent slowdowns or crashes. With these detailed metrics at your fingertips, you can ensure your Windows workstations are running at peak efficiency.

  • In-depth Metrics: Wide range of performance data, allowing for thorough analysis and optimization
  • Personalized interfaces: Tailored to your specific needs, the most relevant information at your fingertips
Performance insights to <span class='blue'>fix system issues</span>

Ensuring seamless Network Connectivity

ServicePilot enhances your network experience by offering in-depth network connectivity analysis. Our Windows Agent performs extensive diagnostics, including trace route analysis, DNS latency measurement, round-trip time (RTT) for both local and public networks, VPN latency evaluation, and Wi-Fi signal quality checks.

These detailed performance indicators are invaluable for identifying and resolving network issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable connection for all end-users.

  • Enhanced Diagnostics: Quickly identify and address issues across different locations
  • Adaptability: Monitoring various scenarios to ensure continuous and smooth operations
Ensuring seamless <span class='blue'>Network Connectivity</span>

Optimize Audio and Video Stream Quality

For those utilizing audio and video streaming, ServicePilot's Windows Agent provides detailed monitoring to enhance your streaming experience. Our system meticulously tracks stream loss, jitter and overall stream statistics.

This level of monitoring is vital for pinpointing issues affecting stream quality, allowing for quick resolution and ensuring a high-quality audio/video experience. With ServicePilot, stream interruptions and quality degradation are things of the past.

  • Quick Problem Identification: Automatically pinpoint the root cause of issues, saving valuable time and resources
  • Informed Decision-Making: With clear insights into the underlying causes, take effective and timely actions to resolve problems
Optimize Audio and Video <span class='blue'>Stream Quality</span>

Our company has been able to monitor the performance of our telecommuting employees' network conditions and workstations, ensuring an optimal and secure user experience no matter where they work.

Windows Endpoint Monitoring

Detailed OS Monitoring

We offer in-depth monitoring of all your computer equipment across Windows 10 and other versions.

Efficient Automatic Discovery

We provide efficient automatic discovery and monitoring for all your endpoints.

Intelligent Alerting and Analysis

With the smart alerting rules and anomaly analysis interfaces, leverage from Machine Learning for better IT management.

Customizable Dashboards

Our standard or customizable dashboards give you visibility on what you need for effective IT management.

Other Digital Experience Solutions

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Free installation in
a few clicks

SaaS Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • No on-premise software setup, servicing and configuration complexity
  • Instant setup, complete and pre-configured to ensure robust monitoring

OnPremise Plateform

Flexible deployment according to your needs (SaaS, hybrid, on-premise) to speed up supervision implementation.
  • Contracts and commitments over time ( > 1 year)
  • Performance, Data Storage and Infrastructure Management
  • 2 additional solutions: VoIP and Mainframe monitoring